It goes without saying that the world we live in today with all of its technology, is very different to the world that many of us grew up in – and it is critical that we teach our children and grandchildren how to navigate this digital world safely.
Whether you are a parent or a grandparent of tweens and teens, it’s more important than ever to be aware of the impact that around the clock technology has on young people, and in today’s podcast episode, Cathy Mellet, along with Natalie Cutler-Welsh, join me for a conversation around this very subject of how parents can raise their children to be resilient and safe in this new world of technology.
Did you know…
A 2017 study of over half a million 13 – 18-year-olds found that the number of those exhibiting high levels of depressive symptoms increased by 33% between 2010 and 2015. In the same period, the suicide rate for girls in that age group increased by 65%. Coincidentally, smartphones were introduced in 2007 and the use of tech in every day lives of children and teens would forever be changed.
Cathy is the founder of the I’m Enough charity, and has paired up with Natalie to create a video series as part of fundraising initiative, to help them reach many more Kiwi families, to support them in helping their kids become resilient and empowered as they grow up in the digital age.
At the time of writing, donations are still being received and they need your help! (The fundraising drive will end on Feb 28th)
100% of the money raised will be going towards creating digital and physical resource packs available free to schools, parents and counsellors etc, as well as getting speakers into NZ schools to share tips and insights on topics covered in the video series.
Listen in as Cathy and Nat share their top tips for supporting healthy use of tech in the home, and as always please like, subscribe and share so that others can hear this important message!
You can donate to I’m Enough at the following link and your donation will be matched by the Healing Hands organisation: https://imenough.co/resilience-in-kiwi-kids/
You can also watch the videos in the series here: https://imenough.co/resilience-in-kiwi-kids/
I hope that you’ll join me in supporting Cathy and Nat’s mission to help Kiwi kids and their families!

As always, the Rocking Midlife® Podcast is real and unscripted, bringing you authentic conversations around topics that are related to the midlife journey. Grab my FREE gift 5 Tips to make your Midlife ROCK! and subscribe to my newsletter so that you are the first to be notified when new episodes drop!
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New Zealand residents – grab this special offer!
15 % of every purchase of the paperback version of 21 Hacks to ROCK your Life! – the TEEN Edition, will be donated to the I’m Enough fundraising initiative!