SEO strategy for long-term returns

The question that is at the forefront of any website owner’s mind is “how do I get my website to rank high up in the Google results page?” There are multiple answers but the most meaningful one is as follows – you need to implement an SEO strategy for long-term returns.

If you do not work with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) as part of your core business, you will probably require the services of a reputable SEO company to assist you. The market is full of “SEO specialists” but if you are going to invest money in this process it will benefit you to make sure you are dealing with the right people. Net Branding not only has the knowledge and experience required, but we can prove to you that your tailor-made and dedicated SEO strategy is working by means of analytical data & reports from Google themselves. Please note, we do not engage in any Black Hat tactics which can get your website banned.

SEO Strategies For New Websites. Start Off Right

If you are just about to develop a website, this is the most opportune moment to start building a sound SEO strategy. You can get the basics in place from the get-go and then build a great SEO strategy on a solid foundation. This forethought can save you an immeasurable amount of time and money that would have been spent going back and fixing inadequate SEO when it is already deeply ingrained in your website. If you already have a website in place it becomes more complicated to fix, but it can be done. There are costs associated with setting up your dedicated SEO plan, but it’s about creating the right SEO strategy for long-term returns to boost your results from day one.

Paid Advertising On Search Engines – Is This The Way To Go?

You may ask, as many people do, “why can I not just pay Google to appear on the first page (or even in the first position) of their Search Engine Results Pages (SERP)?”. Of course, you can do exactly that – this is known as PPC (Pay Per Click) Marketing – however, it has 3 significant drawbacks…

  • Cost – PPC works by bidding against your competitors for the top spots, so the price you pay per click keeps rising until one by one, opponents drop out of the “race” because they can no longer afford the expense. If you are not the one with the most money to spend, you lose out. Also, the actual costs imposed by Google Ads have been steadily rising and will continue to do so.
  • Time – keeping an eye on what is happening with your PPC campaign is very time-consuming so you probably will need to hire someone to manage this for you. This translates to a further monthly cost.
  • The Wily User – online users are becoming more sophisticated, and as such they are becoming aware that results marked as adverts (Ad) are paid for. Many people deliberately avoid these results and go to the first page of the so-called organic results. This is where the correct organic SEO strategies come into play – rather than displaying your search results as an ad, which tends to drive potential customers away, quality organic SEO ensures your results will wind up high on Google’s search results of their own volition.

PPC is an excellent tool for getting instant results and Net Branding offers management of this as part of our services. It is very useful to gain immediate visibility for your website while you work on implementing an SEO strategy for long-term returns. Paying for Google Ads is usually only sustainable for a limited amount of time, and cannot gather the results you want alone.

The Role Of Social Media Marketing

The same can be said about paid Social Media Marketing. Of course it works, but results come at a cost. Taking Facebook as a prime example, the amount that you have to pay for advertising is increasing year on year. Improving your website’s rankings using SEO is certainly not cost-free but it is a long term investment, not subjected to spiralling cost increases that are out of your control.

Why You Should Use Google My Business

Google My Business is the ‘Yellow Pages for the digital age”. When you have a Google Google My Business profile search results will show your phone number, the link to your website, customer reviews and the exact address and location in Google Maps. It is a free service from Google and essential for all but especially small businesses.

Isn’t Content The Most Important Thing? SEO Vs Content Strategy

Successful SEO Strategy is the long game. It takes time and effort to get it right. You can have the greatest well-written content but if it does not match up to what your potential customers are looking for, it will be of no real benefit as Google’s algorithms cannot recognise the content as containing the information the user is searching for. Content is still king but your SEO strategy is the attribute that ensures that the people you want to speak to are finding YOUR content when they search online.

Using The Right SEO Specialists Always Yields A Great Return On Investment

Net Branding is a full-service Digital Marketing and SEO Company so we do it all. No matter what service we are offering our clients, from the absolute beginning of the process (registering a domain name) right through to ongoing new marketing campaigns, we never take our focus off the SEO implications.

SEO is multi-faceted, complicated and the rules of the game are subject to change. Your valuable time is best spent doing what you are really good at i.e. running your business. At Net Branding, Digital Marketing and SEO is our business and it is what we are really good at.