Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics. It is a major update that introduces several new features and improvements, including enhanced data collection and processing capabilities, new reports and metrics, and improved integration with other Google products and services. In order to upgrade to GA4, you will need to create a new GA4 property in your Google Analytics account and update your tracking code to the new GA4 code. You can then start sending data to your new GA4 property, and begin using the new features and functionality it offers. It is important to note that upgrading to GA4 will not affect your existing Google Analytics data or settings, so you can continue to use your existing properties and reports while you transition to GA4. Do you need any help in upgrading to GA 4 or Google Analytics 4? Let’s chat.
If you need help with your data analytics, there are several steps you can take. Some options include:
Hiring a data analytics consultant or digital marketing firm: This can be a good option if you need expert guidance and advice on how to collect, analyse, and use data to improve your business. A consultant or firm can help you develop a data analytics strategy, implement tools and technologies, and provide ongoing support and guidance. Our Digital Agency has the skill and experience to provide you with data incite and support. We are also supporting many clients migrate to the new GA platform to ensure future compatibility and future proofing of their data analytics.