11 Must Know Digital Marketing Terms Explained by Cathy Mellett

11 Must Know Digital Marketing Terms Explained by Cathy Mellett

Common digital terms explained – As a business owner, let’s answer your questions about what these digital marketing words really mean.

SEO – What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) refers to the various methods used to increase traffic to your website by lifting its page ranking in the various search engines. The higher the ranking the easier it is for people to find your website using search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo! and others. Various methods are used to achieve this, including things like ensuring your website architecture makes it easy for visitors to find content, making sure the site is mobile-friendly, ensuring that pages load quickly, improving the quality of your site’s content and ensuring it’s rich in the relevant keywords that people use for search.

Digital marketing terms explained - what is SEO and local SEO

LINK BUILDING – What is link building and how does it work?

Link building is the process of acquiring links (sometimes also called hyperlinks) from other websites to your own, especially from other high-quality and trusted websites. Link building is an important part of your SEO methodology because securing quality inbound links that drive targeted traffic to your website is a great way for achieving higher rankings in the various search engines. There are many ways to build such links – for example, if you create really great content (viral-worthy content) then other websites will want to link to your content, or you could guest post on other’s blogs, or you could publish newsworthy articles that others find interesting and want to link to.

Digital marketing term - What is Link Building

SOCIAL MEDIA –  What is social media?

The term ‘social media’ refers to the collection of online communication channels that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. There are many social media channels, with some of the more prominent being the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and LinkedIn. Posting useful updates about your business or field of speciality, talking about special promotions or starting conversations on these networks are now crucial ways for engaging with your audience and building loyalty to your brand.

Digital Marketing Terms Explained - what is Social Media

WEBSITE REDESIGN – How do you create a great website?

In today’s digital world, the look and feel of a website, the ease with which people can navigate around it (including from their mobile device) and find what they are looking for, and the quality of the content on the site is extremely important. In the case of a business website, this can even mean the difference between the success or failure of the business itself. However, if you’ve had your business website for a while, chances are it’s more out of date than you might think. No website should keep any content that is not bringing in traffic. Content that is out of date or has the wrong keywords associated with it will lead to a decline in traffic to your website. Undertaking a website redesign can help make your site fresh and new again, and, in the long run, save you time, money and effort by identifying and fixing existing problems throughout the site. However, redesigning a website is more than merely updating information and changing the colour scheme. A website redesign should also include an analysis of the content and your target audience so that the website can be redesigned specifically to meet their needs and make it as accessible to them as possible.

Digital marketing terms explained - What is website redesign and website development

PPC – What is PPC and Googe Ads?

Pay-per-click or PPC (sometimes also known as cost-per-click or CPC) is a mode of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a relatively small fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Advertising on major search engines, such as Google, is one of the most popular forms of PPC. In this case, a PPC ad will be those small text ads that you see pop up around your search results on Google which we often refer to as Google Ads. Then, every time your ad is clicked, directing a visitor to your website, you pay Google a small fee. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your website, rather than attempting to ‘earn’ them organically. It’s often also a very easy way to generate a positive (and measurable) return on your advertising investment.

Digital marketing terms explained. What is PPC, Google Ads and Online Advertising

COPYWRITING OR CONTENT MARKETING – Is great quality content important?

The ultimate aim of any copywriting is to get a reader to take a specific action – for example, subscribing to your email list, calling you for more information or even making a purchase. Content marketing, on the other hand, is about creating content with a marketing purpose in mind – and the better your content, the more people will want to engage with it and the higher the various search engines will rank it. The key to content marketing is having high-quality content, which is content that is useful, valuable and/or entertaining to your audience. However, having quality content without good copywriting is a waste of good content – and having good copywriting that isn’t backed up with quality content is a waste of good copy. Striking the right balance between the two will, however, make all the difference when it comes to building large, loyal followings for your brand.

Digital marketing terms explained - what is engaging content writing and content marketing

MEDIA BUYING – What is media buying?

Establishing an online presence and identity is one of the most important things that any business can do today. While there are many different forms of marketing available to enable this, one of the most popular is through media buying. With media buying, you buy advertising space on other prominent, quality websites for a set time or budget. In this way, you are, in effect, piggy-backing off those websites’ established audiences to help drive more traffic to your own website. Depending on the site on which you do your media buy, and the timing and targeting of your ad, this could be a fantastic way to boost the scale of your advertising campaign to secure a huge amount of traffic.

Digital terms explained - what is media buying


Ever since the birth of the Internet, email marketing has been an essential tool for business. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses highly targeted email to communicate commercial messages that contain a compelling call to action to a specific audience. No matter what you’re selling, email marketing is a great way to build on your relationship with your customers and increase sales, all at a relatively low cost when compared with the cost of other forms of advertising.

Digital terms explained - what is email marketing


Do you have a website for your business, or perhaps you write a business blog? Do you want to know how many people are visiting your website and what content they like the most? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need Google Analytics – Google’s free, most widely used web analytics service. Google Analytics tells you about your website in terms of things such as the traffic, clicks, engagement, conversions, SEO, ad revenue and much more. All this information helps you build a very effective picture of what’s working and what’s not, which enables you to tweak your content and your online marketing campaigns so they become more effective.

Digital terms explained - what is Google Analytics


More and more searchers, especially those who search using their mobile devices, are looking for local businesses, i.e. businesses that are close to them. With local SEO you can help your business stand out in the search engine result pages (SERPs), enabling you to promote your products or services to local customers when they’re looking for your type of business. Local SEO uses key phrases on your website that are relevant to your services and your location, such as name, address, phone number and customer reviews, to help you rise to the top of SERPs.

Digital terms explained - what is local seo


Increasing the traffic to your website is all well and good, but the ultimate goal of all your effort is to ensure that your visitors take some or other specific action once they land on your page(s). In other words, it’s about ensuring that all-important customer ‘conversion’, because that’s the driving force behind increasing sales and revenue. This is where conversion rate optimisation (CRO) can help. CRO is the process of ensuring your website is built in such a way that it encourages and facilitates the act of conversion. Doing a website conversion analysis will evaluate things like web page usability, conversion rate, content and aesthetics in order to identify possible issues that may be driving away customers, and determine potential areas for improvement.

 Digital terms explained - what is website conversion analysis

Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Found Online™.

Our web development experts are able to assist with the designed and development of your business web site. We take into account your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) needs and consider how your site needs to integrate with your current or planned future assets. As an end to end solution agency, we look forward to assisting you with the best SEO.

Digital Marketing Agency Auckland by cathy mellett

As a full-service Auckland Digital Marketing Company, we offer an integrated digital marketing solution to our clients. These digital work starts with your digital strategy, embrace SEO, web site development and search engine marketing. Our digital assistance includes your advertising via Google ads, display advertising, and remarketing. Your custom social marketing targets your current clients and connects you to your future clients or consumers – no matter where they are. Email marketing services are available and we have a few tricks up our sleeves to save time. We totally understand that regular digital content can sometimes be difficult to create when you are focused on the operations of your business. The digital experts at Net Branding create and share unique engaging content. This is secured into a trusted and reliable Content Management System (CMS). Our site development experts are able to assist with the designed and development of your business web site. We do the above with years of combined IT, SEO, technical site development and digital marketing experience. We’ve certainly seen a thing or two. But, we also believe in giving back and have strong ties to the local community and chosen charities including Raw, I’m Enough, and Kia Puawai.

We support these charities with our monthly digital offering. We believe that giving back to help, builds stronger communities and this is important for our future generations.

As digital marketing experts, we understand how important it is to be visible. Net Branding prides itself on the professional assistance it delivers and results it achieves for its clients. Based on our extensive experience and industry best practice, various tools, techniques, and assessments are used to ensure we maximise the opportunities for our clients on a monthly basis. Be where your customers are looking.

Embrace Authenticity in the Digital Realm

In a world of AI advancements, deep fakes, and everything in between, we proudly stand as a real, Kiwi-based business. We offer genuine digital marketing and SEO services that reflect our passion and expertise, honed over many years. Our commitment to authenticity sets us apart, providing you with trustworthy solutions that truly make a difference. Reach out to experience the real deal in the digital landscape, guided by a team that loves what we do. Let’s Chat – We still do that.

Contact Net Branding

Mobile: (+64) 211 229 116

Email: sales@netbranding.co.nz

Our office is open: Mon–Fri 9am-6pm.

Net Branding Limited