Tips for creating a game-changing integrated digital marketing strategy
In today’s online marketplace, any brand that doesn’t make full use of digital media to engage with its target audience will eventually die. Furthermore, in order to capture the desired awareness and recognition that will ultimately build trust and loyalty among target audiences, brands need to ensure they weave a consistent message and customer experience across all of their digital marketing efforts. In other words, laying the foundation for success online starts by creating an integrated digital marketing strategy.

Auckland integrated digital marketing service

The first step in creating an integrated digital marketing strategy that works is to understand which digital channels will deliver the greatest impact for your specific audience. This is where your digital marketing specialists at Auckland digital marketing agency Net Branding can help. As part of our integrated digital marketing service we will:

  1. Work with you to fully understand your target audience and identify the most effective digital channels for reaching them.
  2. Map out what types of digital content will work best for engaging with your audience.
  3. Develop an integrated digital marketing strategy that includes the creation and amplification of effective content for use across selected digital channels.

5 key components of an integrated digital marketing strategy

So, just how do you set about creating an integrated digital marketing strategy that will lead to online success? We’ve put together a quick snapshot of 5 key components to put you on the right track.

1 Content marketing

As the world moves more and more online, content is the glue that binds together all of your online marketing efforts. Without content, there can be no integrated digital marketing strategy. However, not just any old content will do; content has to be customer-centric content – in other words, content that attracts and retains the customer, because it is ‘consumable’ or useful, and is refreshed on a regular basis. Once you’ve created your content, the next critical piece is deciding on the format in which to deliver it and the digital marketing vehicles to use, such as email, social media posts, blogs and website pages.

2 Responsive website design

Your business website is the cornerstone of your online presence and, as such, should lie at the heart of your brand’s digital experience. The pages of your website are still the primary way for customers to make contact with your brand, find out about your products and services, and provide the information about themselves that you need to be able to do business with them. Therefore, all of your other digital tactics and channels, e.g. email, blogs and social media posts, should be geared toward driving potential customers to your website.

Also, given the fact that your website acts like the main door to your business, its design – that is, the usability, navigability and accessibility of your website – will ultimately determine who walks through that digital door to become your customer.

3 Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO helps the all-powerful search engines determine what your specific web pages are all about and whether or not they’re useful to the searcher. Therefore, SEO is crucial for the success of your integrated digital marketing strategy, because it’s your SEO that will make your brand’s online presence accessible to a search engine and, ultimately, the people who use it to search for the products and services that your business offers.

SEO is determined largely by the all-important content on your web pages, and the user’s experience of your website. So, once again, it’s important to make sure you offer quality content – in other words, content that will solve a problem or that is informative and/or entertaining, rather than simply just about selling products and services.

4 Social media marketing

More and more consumers are using social media to search for products and services. So, it’s in your best interest to have an engaging presence on social media that will not only connect directly with your target audience but also engage them. With social media, it’s important to diversify your content in accordance with the unique capacities of each social network. And never forget to be ‘social’, by asking questions, taking feedback, commenting on what others are doing and learning from them. Remember, the key to social media marketing is creating content that is worth sharing – think of your social media content in terms of ‘word-of-mouth’ for the digital age – because the ultimate goal is still to generate digital traffic back to your website.

5 Analytics

Before you even begin to implement any aspect of your integrated digital marketing strategy, it’s important to remember to set up the necessary metrics to be able to measure their effectiveness. After all, if you want to track the efficiency of your digital marketing activities then you need to determine what’s working and what’s not. Analytics enable you to see who’s engaging with your brand digitally, where and why, which will enable you to inform your digital marketing strategy in real time.

Your Auckland digital marketing specialists

Would you like to maximise the online potential of your business, so you reach more customers and generate more leads? The key to online success lies in creating an effectively integrated digital marketing strategy.

Net Branding’s specialist team of digital marketers have a proven track record of developing winning online marketing strategies for our many clients. As a full-service Auckland digital marketing agency, we provide an integrated digital marketing service that includes content marketing, SEO, responsive website design and development, email marketing, social media marketing, search advertising, including Google advertising, and website and social media analytics.

We’re just a phone call or click away – so contact us today to find out how we can help create a game-changing online presence for your business.