This Site May Harm Your Computer

Most web browsers and search engines like Google have a keen interest in protecting their users from malware and from sites that may have been hacked. Warning notifications like ‘this site may harm your computer’ or ‘the site ahead contains harmful program’ are clear ways that Google lets the site owner and the end user know if the website may be compromised.

If your website is showing either of messages, then there is a high chance that your site has been hacked or your software has been exploited by some kind of malware program. This can be a real issue, as it can seriously hamper your website’s traffic, reputation, and revenue if the problem isn’t resolved quickly.

This page will tell you all you need to know about how a hacked website can cause browser warnings in Google’s search rankings and outline how you can fix ‘this site may harm your computer’ messages, get your site back under your control, and prevent it from happening in future.

If Google detects that your website is infected with malware, either by a hacker or some other bad agent, they will make a big red warning pop up before a user can visit your site to let them know that the site ahead may be digitally insecure.

This is a minor inconvenience for web users, and an annoyance to your clients, but it is a big problem for the website owner as it means that their site may contain any of the following types of malwares:

– Fake DDoS notifications
– Emotet
– SocGholish
– Malicious JavaScript
– Unwanted ads

If Google suspects that your site contains any of this malware, they will make a ‘this site contains harmful programs’ message pop up to the end user.

Importantly, Google doesn’t differentiate between sites that intentionally contain malware and sites that have been hacked, so even if it’s unintentional, as will be the case with most business websites, you’re still going to be punished in search so its best to fix this problem as soon as you can.

Net Branding can help you recover your site from hackers and remove the malware that has been forced into your website software. Our team of world-leading cyber security experts will walk you through the following:

– Checking for recent changes
– Registering with Google Search Control
– Scanning for malicious code
– Cleaning up the ‘infected’ code
– Protecting your site to prevent future attacks
– Submitting a website review
– Assessing the results of the review

This process will help you get your site back into your control and prevent against any future intrusions by hackers or bad agents. Focusing on pro-action and prevention is crucial to safeguarding your website against future threats.

So, if your website is blocked by a ‘this site may harm your computer’ message, don’t worry just contact Net Branding and our compromise protection security plan will help to get your site back under control and safeguard it from future cyberattacks.