I am often asked what the value of Twitter is as part of your online Profile.
There are some clear signals around the importance of Twitter in terms of the current Search Engine Algorithms, Author Authority and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) benefits.
Twitter | Online Branding and SEO
Social Signals
Both Google and Bing have admitted that social media signals are being incorporated into the search algorithm as a ranking factor.
So how does Twitter play into this? Content shared on Twitter can be indexed by the search engines and actually rank in the search results. The more time a piece of content is tweeted and re-tweeted, the more important it becomes in the eyes of the search engines.
Author Authority
Author authority is why it is important to take the time to actually build a Twitter profile and connect with real, human users. The search engines don’t just look at how many times your content is being Tweeted, but who is doing the Tweeting! How long has that person been active on Twitter? Who are their followers? What kind of content do they usually share?
Brand Awareness
If you think the only goal of SEO is to rank number one, you’re missing the bigger picture. Of course you want to rank well. You want to build your inbound marketing funnel. But SEO is also designed to increase your overall online presence and brand awareness so your target audience can more easily find you. Twitter is a great way to increase your brand awareness. It allows you to connect with your customers in a new and personalized way. When someone Tweets about your brand/products, they are broadcasting your message to their social network as well, increasing your reach.
Twitter is a great way to increase your brand awareness. It allows you to connect with your customers in a new and personalised way. When someone Tweets about your brand/products, they are broadcasting your message to their social network as well, increasing your reach.