Linkedin – the business card holder and business networking tool of the current time.  In a previous Net Branding blog post our social media consultants explored the concept of ownership – who really owns your Linkedin profile?  It should be emphasized that a social media networking profile has little value unless you have spent the time actually building your network of connections.

But how – what easy to follow tips could you implement in order to expand and grow your business network?

Once you’ve created your new LinkedIn profile, you want to grow your LinkedIn network, you want to connect with as many relevant people as you possibly can.  So consider some of the following suggestions.

Write a Personal Message that accompanies your Invite to Connect.  The majority of people connecting with you on Linkedin do not do this.  Stand out in the crowd.  This increases your chances of making the connection with your potential new LinkedIn contact. 

Make Yourself Memorable. If you met the person last night at a business event, use this as an opportunity to thank them for the great discussion.  If you’ve been following their blog and believe there is some mutual advantage to being connected, tell them that you have been following their blog and loved their article on “x”.  Give them an opportunity to not “put the phone down” on your request but to rather accept your request and allow you to join their network, become a new acquintance and receive their regular updates and news. 

Be Succinct, yet Personal.  Your invite – what should you say?  It does not have to be a lengthy invite but consider the following examples.

Hi Sarah, It was great chatting to you at Mary’s business breakfast last Thursday.  Here’s hoping we can stay connected via LinkedIn. Kind Regards Jo


Hi Bob, I heard about your great blog via a client of yours and I’ve been following it with keen interest.  It would be great to become part of your LinkedIn Network.  Thanks Bill

It may sound basic but letting potential connections know why they should bother connecting with you can make a large difference to the number of valued connections you make within this social media and business networking tool.

I hope that these few pointers can assist you as you grow your Linkedin Business Network

Cathy Mellett

Social Media Coach at Auckland Social Media company Net Branding.

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