Social media and your business.  Do the numbers stack up?

Source : Verve Magazine – Author: Cathy Mellett (Net Branding for Social Media)

The explosion of social media networks across the internet has truly been astounding. Today, hundreds of millions of people use popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to talk, post and communicate with their friends and family. These social media sites are now being used by both small and large businesses to reach new customers and establish their brands.

These networks are changing the way the world does business.  Whether you agree or disagree with this statement let us take a look at some emerging stats.

People spend more time on Facebook than on YouTube, Wikipedia, Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Yahoo combined.

There is 48 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.  One of the key reasons why video has become an important medium of communication and engagement.

The average ages of social media users holds no surprises. More than half are between 25 and 44 years old with the fastest growing segment being the 45-54 year olds.

23% of Facebook users check their Facebook account 5 or more times daily.

Of those brands that Facebook users connect with, they are 56% more likely to recommend that brand after becoming a fan. Social Media has an impact on purchase behaviour.

34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter.

95% of posting to Facebook walls by fans are not answered by the companies.

What can we deduct from the above? The various social media networks  are developing and having an impact on where and how we should be spending our marketing efforts however if we do embrace this medium then we should put appropriate checks in place to ensure we capture leads and feedback in a timely manner.

The Net Branding team have assisted local and international businesses to use these powerful new online and marketing platforms to gain visibility, internet traffic, leads, customers and engaged fans.  Our social media solutions are affordable yet offer pragmatic and practical strategies allowing you to succeed in this online space.  For more information contact Cathy on mobile 0211229116.

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