Net Branding Recording – Digital Marketing Q and A

Q: Can we do Digital Marketing ourselves? How much time should we put into Digital marketing?

A: There is always the possibility of doing it yourself, obviously there is some skill associated with doing it and there is some learning associated with doing it. So, when we sit in such a situation with this skill and the learning, it’s about really questioning if that’s the appropriate use of your time.

Q: Does it matter if you are on first page of search

A: There is a definite advantage of being on the first page of a search engine result. We often say that those who live on page two or three of a Google search are largely hidden. There are multiple ways of getting onto the first page of a Google search.

1. Search engine optimization: can bring your website up in search results, Also known as organic or natural search. ( Includes Videos & Images)

2. Paid Search: Gets you onto the first page of the search, by paying a certain fee to the search engine companies.

3. Google Business Profile: The 3-pack of local listings, also considered to be organic.

There is value in being on the first page of search, if someone is looking for your business or brand, they will find you because your website will come up for the brand search they are looking for.

But if the visitor is searching for something like a mortgage advisor or a real estate agent (search keywords), your website may not be showing up on the search results page, even if your page is relevant to the search term.

Q: Do you need a social media channel for your business?

A: It can be difficult to keep up with all the available social media channels. Do you use TikTok? Clubhouse? Are Twitter Spaces useful for your brand? You might think that jumping on every new platform will give you more exposure, but it might not actually result in any traffic.

When setting up your social media profiles, it’s best to strategically choose the most suitable for your business. A social media strategy can help you determine which social media channels/platforms are most appropriate for your needs. Here are a few points to bear in mind before you sign up

Do you need a social media channel for your business?

Yes, in some scenarios. It depends on the use-case.

To some extent, the decision on whether to get on social media heavily depends on a number of factors. These may include how much time will be required to continually engage with followers and maintain a good reputation.

If your goals, audience and KPIs all align without social media, then you may be doing OK without it. But if you want to increase exposure or reach new customers, then you should consider at least one social media channel.

Social media is a powerful tool for engaging with customers and building your brand. It’s not difficult to set up and allows you to find new customers, contact old ones, stay in touch with competitors, receive feedback from your followers and keep an eye on the competition.

Things to consider when choosing a social media channel

1. Goals: Is your goal to Increase Brand awareness? Sales/lead generation? Engagement? Growing audience? Web traffic etc.

2. Resources: Do you have dedicated team to manage all the social media channels you want to be on? Can you dedicate enough time to each media channels? Etc.

3. Content types: Did you plan on content type? (Text, images, videos, live videos, or stories)

4. Audience: where are your website referrals(can check in web analytics) coming from? Do you know who your target audience is? Was target audience defined?

5. Competitors: Do you know where are your competitors promoting themselves? Do you keep track of what they do to manage their social media profiles/ engagement?

There are more than 15 social media channels to choose from, How do you choose the relevant ones for your business, Ask the above questions to narrow down your options.