If we are going to brand our businesses or ourselves online it is important that we focus on the particular target network that is relevant to our customer or client base. We need to engage with our connections in our chosen network and as the saying goes “Social media isn’t something that you “do”, instead you have to “be” social.”

Facebook, is a true “social” network platform and is designed to encourage people to share and communicate with their friends and family. The adaptation of Facebook to business was a secondary benefit identified and so Facebook marketing for business was launched. While LinkedIn (one of the first social media platforms) has established a reputation for connecting college-educated business professionals, Facebook has continued to build on its reputation for connecting almost everyone.

As a “business” networking tool, LinkedIn has been primarily focused on becoming the online Rolodex or card holder of connections or networks for business people. It is in reality a BNI, TNG or Business over Breakfast of the online world. LinkedIn is often pushed as a salesperson’s best platform when it comes to an online sales and networking tool. LinkedIn users tend to be white-collar university graduates, which makes the LinkedIn environment appealing to the business community, job seekers, and corporate recruiters.

So let us take a closer look at the social reach and functionality of each tool. What are the differenced between LinkedIn vs Facebook?

Facebook LinkedIn
Members More than 1 billion More than 200 million
Monthly visitors 960 million 97 million
Gender of visitors 43% male
57% female
50% male
50% female
Age of visitor 13-17 years: 7%
18-34 years: 26%
35+ years: 66%
13-17 years: 1%
18-34 years: 19%
35+ years: 80%
Site features Photo uploading
Private message sending
Public message posting
Video uploading
Photo uploading
Private message sending

Video uploading
Networking features Event/activity invites
File sharing
Instant messaging
Multiuser games
Private messaging
Real-time updates from other users
Event/activity invites
File sharing

Real-time updates from other users
Search features Filtering
Live search results
Search suggestions
Live search results
Search options e-mail address
Online now
e-mail address



Since each social media platform has a distinct purpose, it’s important for all businesses to evaluate why they are on a particular social media site, what their goals are for it, who they are targeting for their messages, and how they can best use the medium to advance their business.

For further assistance please contact our Net Branding Team.