Ultimately there are two factors that are important and in terms of managing your Google ads conversions, you want to be looking at those closely.

The first is increasing that conversion rate, How many more clicks and conversions can you get for your spend.

The second is reducing the cost of those conversions because the more you reduce the cost the more clicks you can get and the more clicks you can get then the higher the conversion can be.

so ultimately, two important factors is your conversion rate and that cost of conversion.

But, how can you do it?

In my opinion it takes spend to get data and the data can then be dissected and analysed to give you what you need.

My first step would be reverse engineer the path to the conversions that you’ve had, what has been successful and what has actually resulted in you getting the conversions that you want. To do this I’d be going into my Google admin dashboard, my Google analytics dashboard and I’d be looking under my behaviors Tab and in their tab you’ll be able to find some of the data that you do need to be able to support the flow of the user and the web traffic through the site.

How To Improve Your Google Ads Conversion Rate

Second point is using tracking and Analytics:

why is that so important?

it’s important because understanding how people are working through your site and tracking their progress through the site is critical. Every site that we build or every ad campaign that we do we have a substantial amount of Google tracking and support features added behind any site so we can accurately assess how things are progressing and where our conversions have come from.

Now, this is not only true in Google ads but will support you for all sorts of other advertising, whether it be in Social or any of your media buys type environments that will certainly support you with that email marketing as you send out email campaigns it will give you the data that you need in terms of that conversion.

The third would be monitoring the flow of traffic on your website. You know what are your landing pages are doing, I worked with an e-commerce store at one stage and we could very clearly identify that no one was actually moving beyond the top fold of the page. They weren’t seeing some of the steps below the fold. So, ultimately understand how users are traversing the site traversing the web page, traversing the landing page and that may be able to give you some insights how you can adapt that to improve. Obviously there’s split testing that can be undertaken as well.

The fourth is to align the copy of the ad with the landing page (Relevancy) with the website you want to give the user a good experience and if they’re clicking on an ad that shows “X” but landing on a page that shows “Y” it may not provide that level of experience and you will lose that but more to the point actually aligning add to page can support you with that reduction in the cost of that conversion.

The last tip is to manage your ads. Ads are not jelly don’t sit and forget ads need to be managed and they need to be continually optimized.

I hope you found this article and the short video on improving your Google ads conversion of value.

if you would like to reach out to me please feel free to, My name is Cathy Mellett from Net Branding, Be seen, Be heard, Be found online