Google Ads Spam Calls

Google Ads Spam Calls: Be careful

Potential customers

Potential customers can find your business if you use Google Ads, right? You need a Google Ads specialist, right?

generating leads

So, you put up your campaign and you’re happy as you’re generating leads. But you’re still a little unsure whether you’ve got this covered and have the necessary skills you need to run Google Ads.

Google Ads specialist

Google ads spam call

In comes the “fairy” godmother—a call from Google. A Google Ads specialist offering you support on your ads if you:

1. Give them access to the account, because they’re the Google rep after all, and
2. Give them a chance, usually with about 30 days between calls to see the difference.

This is a little like the Nigerian prince offering you a wedding proposal, but he needs access to your bank account first.

skilled representative

You may be lucky and strike a good, skilled representative, but you may also encounter a new recruit, with limited experience, and even less understanding of your business, your industry, or the scope of your reach for your offer of service or products.

Yes, we all want to:

  • Maximise our leads and conversions
  • Increase our online sales
  • Drive traffic to our shop or business
  • Showcase our brand to more people
  • Have our products displayed front and centre in Google Shopping Ads.

We agree that there is power in Google Advertising, but we also know that ads not managed correctly can cost you in the long term.

Our recommendation is:

  1. Only allow people access to your account that you know and trust.
  2. Ensure they really know how to track, learn, and optimise your ads.
  3. Stay in full control of your budget and spend.
  4. Don’t trust someone skill level just because they say they are from Google, and they have a Google address.

We’re here to help and offer a free Google Ads audit to provide you with some insight. 

Note: All screenshots where extracted from online forums i.e Reddit.