Facebook and it’s impact on business.

The majority of businesses have some kind of presence on Facebook but how many of these businesses are really utilizing the social media network for its full potential?
Probably a lot less than you think. For those who are missing out, perhaps these statistics will allow you to consider the potential benefits that Facebook marketing can bring to their businesses. The online numbers are astounding – 1.15 billion users, 700 million daily users, average time per Facebook visit is 20 minutes and 8.3 hours is the average amount of time each user spends per month. And if that does not make you sit up and take note, consider that 70% of monthly active Facebook users in the U.S. are engaged and connected to a local business?

Should this business not be you? Do you want to be at the forefront of interacting and engaging with a friendly community?

Social Media Marketing is a reality and it is here to stay. For more information or a one on one session to see how Facebook marketing can apply to your business please connect with me. I would also be able to supply you with times for my FREE workshops held across Auckland.


source of statistics : from Gro Social.
