To our valuable clients and friends.

We would like to inform you that, effective 9 April 2020, we have no option but to apply a new domain name increase in the price of our .nz (, etc) and .com domain names.

Factors driving a domain name price change:

We’ve been notified by InternetNZ (who sell domain names to us) that they are increasing the wholesale fees for domain names. We expect that most domain name providers in the industry are likely to pass on this increase to customers.

We have attempted to keep our new pricing as low as possible and to maintain that below the current market average price of $41.42 + GST. This current market average price will soon change.

This is notably the first price increase in our 12 years, since Net Branding started business in 2008.

Historically we have saved our customers annual domain renewal fees by keeping this pricing consistent and below many other providers in the industry.

I am aware that as I work with so many domain providers when onboarding new clients, I know that domains acquired through Net Branding include so many features.  These features are often paid features in other platforms.

I acknowledge that the timing of this change is not good.

Thank you for your understanding.

As always, we are committed to providing great services and support. We very much appreciate your business and continued support.

With Best Wishes
