An update from Cathy Mellett – Digital Marketing Insights – What to look out for?

This is shared based on our observations across multiple industry and businesses of a variety of sizes and stages in their evolution.

Digital Marketing for Social Media
  1. Experts in Google Ads. You only need to look across the internet to assess who claims expertise. In our opinion, becoming an expert in Google Ads is a rite of passage.
    a. You understand how to track conversions.
    b. You understand how to achieve a good quality score on an ad.
    c. You understand how to correctly target ads to the relevant and identified audience.
  2. Current push in AI experts. Yes, AI is and will change some of our landscape, but it is also important to understand its current limitations and the requirements set by Google to rank a site. Understanding when not to use AI is as important as knowing when you can use it.
  3. Designers putting together websites vs people who understand Marketing Technology. These are two different beasts, each fulfilling their own place and role in your business. In our opinion, the following understanding of Marketing Tech and what is needed to support a website in Google has longer term benefit to a business that a design with no online traction nor visibility. So, what should you think about ?
    a. Create a website for findability.
    b. Create a strategy for keywords – this does not mean thinking about your keywords, it actually means having a strategy for keywords and topics.
    c. Create a solid website structure that is loved by Google.
    d. Set up the website to meet Google’s current requirements.
    e. Keeping up to date with digital requirements, as these change all the time and the google algorithm is regularly updated.
  4. Changing website content without thought “because it seems like a good idea” can crash your website. Yes, make considered and relevant changes but track the impact. Even with the best of intention and an understanding of how to rank a website, you will only truly know the real impact once a Google crawler has visited your site. Management of your current online ranking and the impact of what that change means for your position and visibility online is vital.
  5. SEO skills and services. Anyone can claim three letters as part of their experience: S-E-O. This does not imply that they have in-depth knowledge to ensure a website ranks. A recent client had pages revamped by someone claiming to have this so-called SEO expertise. We can and have assess that the impact of their actions on this website has been devastating. The once viable website has plummeted both in traffic and visibility. We are now performing reverse engineering to help the client recover lost position, leads, and revenue.
  6. Google Ad bots. These are real and can have a devastating impact when an ad bot continually clicks on your adverts with the intention of draining your ad budget. Understanding how to move beyond the bot and still support the client requires skill, grit, and a huge amount of determination. From bots to compromised on hacked websites, our digital marketing team have you covered.

So why choose Net Branding for your digital and online marketing needs?

  1. N: Is for Nurturing your business, treating it with the respect it deserves, and working alongside you to create long-term success using data-driven digital strategies.
  2. E: Is for Experience. Experience doesn’t just cover how many years you have been doing it, it’s about how you apply what you know to get the best outcome, navigating the current landscape presented to your business.
  3. T: Is for Targeting. Whether it’s a targeted advert, strategy, or approach, we provide custom solutions to help you achieve your online objectives.
  4. B: Is for Building Brands. Enhancing your brand and its visibility online, building your brand’s reputation to stand out amongst competitors.
  5. R: Is for Results. Improved online reputation, results, and outcomes focused on conversion, meeting both short-term and long-term business objectives.
  6. A: Is for Advanced Thinking. In a world of constant digital change, you want a team that stays ahead of the pack.
  7. N: Is for Navigating Complexity. Digital marketing can be challenging. Experience sets your direction, but navigating all elements cohesively is what we do best.
  8. D: Is for Dedication and Service. We treat every client’s business as if it were our own, always striving to exceed expectations.
  9. I: Is for Innovation. Innovation drives our approach. We use the best tools and strategies to achieve the results you need.
  10. N: Is for Networking. Building a cohesive and consolidated digital network – as our tagline says, helping you and your business be seen, be heard, and be found online.
  11. G: Is for Growth. Incremental growth and improvement are at the heart of what we do, helping businesses thrive both in NZ and overseas.

If you would like to reach out to Cathy Mellett and the digital team at Net Branding to discuss how we could assist you, please use the button below.