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Afternoon, this is Cathy Mellett. Coming to you from Net Branding. We are in lockdown in New Zealand. And it’s probably an appropriate time to think about the digital can-do’s that you can do for your business. Whilst we’re in lockdown mode. Often the risk, in my opinion is taking your foot off building your digital and online presence. Because now is the time that you possibly have a little bit of space in your day-to-day operations to be able to focus on what is important for your business.

I’d also like to take an opportunity to introduce you to myself and my team. As I said earlier, my name is Cathy and I’ve been in the IT space, for many, many, many years. I’ve also founded Net Branding Ltd in 2009, which really was at the forefront of this entire digital marketing environment. And, that’s where the main Net Branding came from. Because I realised that I was marketing businesses and branding them in an online forum – so Net Branding is what I was doing. I’m ably supported by a technical team of key experienced technicians and digital experts, that being Harsh, Paul, Parwarsha, and then our extended net branding team that will work on our clients’ projects.

The focus of this video is to support you in being responsive and proactive as we navigate our businesses through locked down, with the focus on your business coming out stronger, from a digital perspective. What can you do, as a lockdown should really increase your focus on building your online presence?

1. Google Reviews and Online Testimonials

The first thing to think about doing is get some Google reviews, contact those clients that have promised Google reviews to you and ask them to generate a Google review and place it in the Google My Business environment. For those that don’t want to do a Google My Business Review. What about asking for either a written or a video testimonial.

2. Social Media Content Plan

My second tip is start thinking about your social content plan. Start thinking and planning for the month ahead. We are in August, and really Christmas is almost around the corner. Plan and prepare that social content plan. And for those immediate posts, start sharing them across your social environment.

3. Create Videos and Be Brave. Load them to YouTube or other social streaming platforms.

My third tip is created videos and load them, just as I’m doing with this video to support you. What can you do to support your clients in their day-to-day operations in their day-to-day business life or as an in consumer, how does your product support your end consumer, create those videos and load them in now’s the time to load them to YouTube, load them to your digital environment and load them to your website? My tip there is – be cautious about loading too much heavy content on your website. So as an example, I’d always be loading a piece of video to my YouTube channel and then sharing the link through my website to support speed of my website.

4. Monitor your digital footprint

Point number four, monitor your digital footprint, search for both your business and possibly even your personal name because perhaps now is the time to ensure that your footprint and how you represent your brand in the open market and in the online environment is as you want to present you are your brand.

5. Be found where people search – SEO

Tip number 5 is really to be found where people search for what you do. We typically talk to that as search engine optimisation (SEO). And that is the concept of applying keyword techniques to boost your organic ranking. But the idea is to really focus in on looking at your online content. An easy place to start is some of those frequently asked questions that your clients typically ask of you. Think about those and write a little bit of content around those questions.


I’d like to thank you for listening to this video. If you do have any questions. I have left my phone numbers and details on this close off slide. Again, my name is Cathy Mellett from Net Branding, Be seen Be heard Be found Online. And you can reach out to me at

Thank you very much.