Need Google Reviews? Here’s why and how to ask your clients for Google Reviews.

Google Reviews – How to get more Google Reviews
If you own a business, then you’ll know that customer reviews of your products and/or services in today’s digital environment play a big role in the success of your business. In fact, with so many people on Google these days, a Google Review of your business can have an even bigger impact on your success than a Google Ad might have, which is why getting positive Google Reviews for your business can be a real game changer.

Google Reviews influence buying decisions

We live in an era in which your business or brand is defined by those who experience it – and in our always-online world people are sharing their experiences about everything. What they say can have a significant impact on your brand. In fact, according to a survey conducted by global customer service software company Zendesk, as much as 90% of people are influenced in their buying decision by reading positive online reviews, such as a Google Review, while up to 86% of people decide not to proceed with a purchase as a result of reading a negative review online.

Google Reviews and your digital marketing strategy

Given that Google dominates the world of online search, it makes sense for you to make getting Google Reviews from your customers for your Google My Business page an important part of your digital marketing strategy. (Want to find out more about building your Google My Business profile? Then check out Net Branding’s recent article How to grow your small business with Google My Business services.)

Not only is Google Review a very powerful way to promote trust and confidence in your business, thereby helping to influence purchasing decisions, but they’re also an important part of SEO or search engine optimisation. Having an effective Google My Business profile as part of your SEO strategy will not only make it easier for potential customers to see information about your business, such as your address and phone number, but they can also see reviews that people have written of your business.

In addition to making your business website appear and stand out in local search, having positive Google Reviews will also help with that all-important click-through rate, encouraging people to visit your business website and begin the process of eventually becoming a customer.

So, if you or your business is doing outstanding work and you have a great real-world reputation, then isn’t it time your digital marketing strategy included ensuring your online reputation is equally as prominent. And your happy customer is the perfect person to write a Google Review about your business. (However, just remember that in order for a customer to be able to post a Google Review, they will need a Google account, but this should not be too much of a problem because many people today have a personal Gmail account.)

How to get Google Reviews – 3 things to keep in mind

Of course, the best Google Reviews are those that customers leave without any prompting. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t prompt a customer to write a Google Review. Get your happy customers to become your online advocates by asking them directly what they thought of your business and whether they would mind posting a Google Review of your business, product or service. Here are three things to keep in mind when seeking Google Reviews.

1. Ask in person
The best way to ask for and get Google Reviews is by doing so in person. The person-to-person request is very effective, especially if you’ve spent some time with your customer. After all, if you’ve completed a great sale or delivered a top-notch service, then who better to ask your happy customers for a Google Review than you? Tell them their view of your business is important to you and that you’d be proud to get a Google Review from them. Explain that Reviews also help other customers who are looking for similar products or services to make the right decision. These are all ways that help make the customer feel good about taking the time to post a Google Review.

2. Ask by email
Asking for Google Reviews via email is a bit trickier. However, in cases where you don’t have much or any face-to-face time with a customer, then email may be your only option. When asking for a Google Review by email, it’s important to have the email come from you personally – or the member of your staff that dealt with the customer, so they recognize the name. If your digital marketing strategy includes email marketing then you have yet another huge opportunity to ask customers for Google Reviews. (If you’d like to find out more about the power of email marketing, simply talk to one of the digital marketing experts at Auckland digital marketing company Net Branding.)

3. Make it easy for your customer to post a Google Review
Like you, your customers are also busy, so if you want them to take the time to post a Google Review for you, then you need to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. The best way to do this is to make sure your emails always include a very clear call-to-action link or button that takes them directly to your Google Review page. Your website and social media accounts should also clearly show customers how to post a Google Review by linking them directly to your Google Review page.

Want more Google Reviews of your business?

If you’d like some expert help or advice on how to get more Google Reviews so your business website can rank better on Google search, then simply speak with one of Net Branding’s SEO experts. As a leading Auckland digital marketing company, Net Branding offers the full range of digital marketing services, including SEO, website development, digital marketing and social media. Our expert team can help you develop a digital marketing strategy that will build an online profile for your business to ultimately drive sales.