LinkedIn Profile Picture

Let’s face it; this is the age of internet. Your social media profile can give people a better review of you as a professional than your resume does. Today personal branding has become as essential to career development as water is to the tree.

LinkedIn, as you might already know, is a professional networking platform. Millions of businesses use it for recruitment, building business-related contacts and raising brand awareness. It is one of those Social Media platforms where the phrase “looks matter” comes to life. So if you want to be taken seriously on LinkedIn, you must put up a professional looking LinkedIn profile picture that speaks to your credibility.

Here are a few things you need to avoid whilst choosing the perfect LinkedIn profile picture:

No Family Photos:

Trust us; you don’t want to put up your pets’ or even your kids’ picture as your LinkedIn profile picture. Sure, it shows your love for them but it definitely does not do you, as your personal brand, any favors. They may look cute on your desk at work but they don’t make a good professional profile picture. Also, don’t leave your profile picture as default. If you are no ready show yourself to the world, then people will not able to trust you.

Remove all Party Photos from LinkedIn Profile Picture:

If you have a picture of yourself at a party or in a bar as your LinkedIn profile picture, take it down! It hurts the credibility of your profile more than the picture of your loved ones or your friends does. You need to come across as reliable though you LinkedIn profile picture.

Dress to Impress:

If you are taking a picture especially for your LinkedIn profile, then remember to keep it formal. Refrain from anything that you will not wear to an interview or a business meeting. Avoid wearing a tank top, bathing suit or evening wear.

No Pixelated or Poorly Cropped LinkedIn Profile Pictures:

Let’s get one thing straight, a grainy picture is kind of annoying and just looks bad. This usually is the result of a poorly lit environment when you take a picture. It can also happen if you crop a picture way too much. You need a LinkedIn profile picture that is clear and presentable. Make sure your LinkedIn profile picture is not out of focused, blurry or too much cropped.

Don’t Try Too Hard:

You don’t need a model-like picture to draw people’s attention to your profile. It’s a professional social platform, not an online dating website. Remember, all you need is confidence and a smile on your face to look professional. You only get one picture on LinkedIn to show people who you are as a professional, make it count.

Kiss the Fancy Filters Goodbye:

Avoid all kinds of funky filters as they look too unprofessional. Such pictures look good only on your personal Instagram or Facebook profile. You need to look honest, presentable and approachable. As long as your picture is well lit, even a simple head shot would do the trick.

So here you go. We hope we have covered all the tips you need to take a professional looking LinkedIn profile picture. Now go ahead and take down that photo of yourself surfing at the beach. Pick a neutral colored button-down shirt, put a smile on your face and…..Click!