Note: From Social Media Auckland Net Branding. Functionality roll out from Facebook differs per user.

If You’re Kind of a Big Deal on Facebook, You Can Now Pay to Promote Your Posts Too

Source: webpronews

In early October, Facebook expanded their promoted posts service to allow individual users to pay a small fee to promote one of their statuses, photos, events, etc. With every one of those updates a U.S. user posts, a “promote” option now appears next to the “like” and “comment” button. Tempting, of course, if you have something really important or witty that you want a bunch of people to see.

Promoted Posts for People work similarly to Facebook’s Promoted Posts for Pages, which debuted during the summer. Pay a few bucks, and Facebook pushes the status up to the top of your friends’ news feeds. Facebook markets Promoted Posts as a way to make sure the really important stuff is seen by everyone important.

The price to promote a personal post is around $7 for most users, and the promoted post will feature a “sponsored” tag when it appears in a friend’s news feed.

One of the caveats that Facebook announced when they unveiled Promoted Posts for People was a friend-limit. Only users with less than 5,000 could play to promote their posts.

Now, that changes. Facebook has now expanded the Promoted Post for People initiative to include Facebook’s more popular power users.

“We are continuing to test promoted posts in the U.S.,” Facebook told VentureBeat. “As part of this, we are opened up the test to enable people with 5,000 or more friends and subscribers to use the product. We are also continuing to experiment with different pricing models. The price of promoted posts is based on a number of factors, including the reach and the number of people you are promoting to.”

Of course, the price would necessarily jump a little bit. For instance, VentureBeats’s Jennifer Van Grove has just shy of 500,000 Facebook subscribers and was given a price of $49 to promote her post.

But for a user with hundreds or thousands or even millions of friends/subscribers, it might be worth it to promote something really, really big.