Source: Extracted from an article in Web Pro News.
George Takei posted to Facebook:
FB used to allow fans to elect to see ALL posts by selecting ‘All Updates’ from the right hand corner of a post. For community pages such as this, though, FB recently decided that only certain fans will see certain posts, and it plans to ask me to pay for more fan views.I understand that FB has to make money, especially now that it is public, but in my view this development turns the notion of “fans” on its head. So I encourage all friends and fans to visit my page regularly to make sure they share in all the fun.
In a later post, he allowed a Facebook employee to clear things up a bit by explaining that a page’s posts are never reaching 100% of their audience. In reality, the number is actually closer to 9% on average.
“I don’t have any problem with the notion that my posts don’t reach all my fans with each attempt, that seems like a necessary limitation. And in theory I don’t have any problem with Facebook asking pages to pay to reach more fans than the page normally would reach,” says Takei.
But he tells me that he doesn’t really see himself paying to promote posts in the future.
“If the fans are truly interested, they can visit my page,” he says. “However, if other pages want to promote commercial opportunities, I can see how it might make sense for them to pay for a greater reach in those instances.”