Upgrading your Facebook Business Page to the new Timeline – Facebook and Business.

Facebook timeline comes with a set of new features which affect what businesses can and cannot control on the social platform. The major change has been our inability to now determine the landing page for a new facebook visitor to our business page.

Set your cover photo. Facebook’s policies state that cover photos cannot include:

  • Price or purchase information
  • Contact Information
  • References to Facebook Features or Actions
  • Calls to Actions

Set your profile image.

This image will also appear with any sponsored stories or advertisment that you run within Facebook. A company logo is a great choice here.

Organise Views and Apps

The new design features photos, likes, and apps at the top of your page (similar to a mini tabs in a website), below your cover photo. Photos are automatically featured in the first spot, but page admins can rearrange the rest to feature the most important ones first. Overall, a total of 12 apps can be shown here.

Star, Hide or Pin

By hovering over individual stories, you can make them wider, hide them from your timeline. With the pencil icon, highlight them as important with the star icon, or delete them entirely. This is great for highlighting specific facebook posts for users to view.

Enable Private Message

Admins to your facebook page can now allow facebook users to send them personal messages. This makes it easier for brands to have private conversations with their fans.

Feature Milestones

The new design also allows admins to feature what are called “milestones” on their page. this allows page admins to highlight some of their business’ biggest accomplishments, such as fan growth, award wins, product releases, etc.

For assistance during the upgrade of your page. Please contact the team at Net Branding.

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Our next article will include Hints and Tips when using the new timeline.