Attract | Engage | Convert | Measure |Analyse | Improve your Internet marketing process.

A internet marketing process for continual improvement.

Many years ago, as I focused on project management, my constant companion where project plans that contained elements of a project process such as initiate, plan, execute, review, control and close.

So why, I ask myself, should our internet marketing processes for online success be different.

As a business community, we now accept that Internet Marketing is a great option for a small to medium size business as over the last 15 years, we have seen a tremendous increase in the importance of businesses’ requirement to embrace this online marketing medium.

Inbound digital marketing sales funnelWhat are the steps to online internet marketing success
is a question I am often asked.

If your business is not “findable” online then it is unrealistic to expect service enquiries or sales to come from your website. To achieve findability, you need real humans to find your website resulting in a term we call internet traffic. So “findability” is the ultimate goal of today’s business.

ATTRACTION – Internet Marketing

So how do your increase your internet traffic?

  1. Organic search. Achieving natural results on an internet search ranking result. This is sometimes achieved with the assistance of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). What is SEO? Well, Search Engine Optimisation is a form of organic search aided with the use of keywords, metadata and titles and yes inbound links. The objective of organic search is to get your business website appearing on the first page of Google for your chosen keywords. In addition, fresh content is a vital and key part of your online presence and part of your long term strategy for to improve and or maintain your organic search positioning. This online positioning is constantly being effected with increase online competition and continual changes to search engine algorithms.
  2. Paid advertising such as Google Adwords. This can provide a business with instant results to achieve top page google status and is certainly measurable using Google Analytics. However Google advertising does not improve your online ranking on a permanent basis and in my opinion is a short-term fix.
  3. Social Media assists your business in extending its sales funnel and reach. This is done using social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These social media tools are a great way to build an audience and extend your brand image and online reputation. Social networks are fantastic for building relationships where you are able to communicate directly with your potential customers. They also provide you with advertising opportunities to promote your website and capture targeted internet traffic.
  4. Traditional Marketing including print, radio and TV and work best when used consistently across all the mediums to drive traffic to you website.

In summary, it is my opinion that an integrated marketing approach, using a combination of the above methods is often the best approach to use. “Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Found” online has never been more apt.

ENGAGING – Online Marketing

Now you’ve captivated the extra traffic, how do you convert them?

Is your landing page experience a positive experience and do you have persuasive calls to actions that remove obstacles and encourage engagement whether this be a phone call to you, an enquiry sent via your website, a signup to a newsletter.
What are some things to look for when considering engagement?
1. Well written text.
2. Images that support your message and improve the overall attraction on the webpage.
3. Strong calls to action to get a website visitor to take action.

You really only have a few seconds to get an internet visitor’s attention and engage with them when they arrive at your website’s door, so it’s very important to get this part right.

CONVERT – Online Marketing

Compelling calls-to-action or strong sales copy that focuses on converting is important as is minimising the number of clicks to achieve a sale or service enquiry. Your website should encourage your internet visitor to take action, answer their questions and overcome any objections to the sale that they may have.

MEASURE – Online Marketing

In today’s online world, we are able to measure most elements of your online campaign. From, our keyword ranking, your google analytics reports, your telephone enquiries, your click through rates or cost per clicks and to so many additional different measurement tools.

ANALYSE and IMPROVMENT – Online Marketing

With experience comes the ability to analyse the results, and assess where improvements can be made to your online campaigns in order to improve your current results. As with any analysis, the follow on is the taking of identified corrective and continual pro-active action.
In Summary, the internet provides us with a continual journey for improvement of our online marketing options as change is perhaps the only constant in this changing world. So no matter how well you are doing online, there will always be areas of improvement or areas to include change.

Online marketing is part of a continual improvement process.

To coin an well used phrase of mine, Internet marketing is a journey and never a destination.
services-mobile-marketingA continually evolving process but the ultimate goal is to BE SEEN, BE HEARD and BE FOUND.

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Send us an email to kickstart your online internet marketing journey. Contact Cathy Mellett via email email:”” .