How to grab attention in the online world? Websites to Social Media– with Net Branding

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 12.52.30 pmWe live in a world with short lived attention spans and a myriad of marketing messages hitting us as we go about our daily lives.   Happiness, anger and other emotions can be spread from person to person via updates posted on social networks.

Whether it be on social sites where you want to grab a consumers or clients attention and then engage with them or perhaps it is within a website where you want your prospects to be “gently guided” to you action items (call me, sign up, buy now) we are living in an information where information is shared and uploaded at a rate that is far greater than ever before.

According to Wikipedia, on 20 February 2014, there were around 172 million Tumblr and 75.8 million WordPress blogs in existence worldwide.

With this level of information in the world, how do you get noticed?  We understand that competition is constant and increasing.

So doing something different to get noticed is the only real option.

What should you do to be noticed online?

  • Make sure that your content is emotionally appealing and engaging.
  • Statistics tell us that positive emotions do better than negative emotions.
  • Target curiosity, amazement, interest, astonishment, uncertainty, admiration, and yes humour.  With this combination it stands to reason that emotional quotes usually do reasonably well in the online “sharing” stakes.
  • Get your audience to question themselves so use different font or headline to  grab  their attention and get them thinking
  • Come up with a different angle.  An old topic with a new twist perhaps.
  • What about a story?  Stories or narratives tend to be most interesting to people.  People buy from people.  Give your organisation a voice.
  • Is your content visually appealing and are you taking use of colour.
  • Pay attention to timing.  What time of the day are you sharing your information?
  • Focus in on the correct wording for your story.  Use search phrases that online users are using.  Yes SEO or Search Optimasation is a critical element in ensuring your are found online.

I’ve included the image below sourced for you and shared for interest purposes.  We are aware of some spelling

To discuss your online services and marketing please contact Net Branding.

We are able to assist you with your online marketing.  A one stop marketing shop – from Websites to Social Media, SEO to newsletters. Contact Net Branding | Auckland

Be Seen | Be Heard | Be Found Online with Net Branding