Facebook turned 10 years old last year, where do you see it going in the next 10 years? Thoughts as shared by Cathy Mellett of Net Branding – Online Services Auckland and New Zealand wide.

Be Heard | Be Seen | Be Found Online.

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Facebook is likely to change the way we prospect and understand our consumer’s behaviour.   It has certainly moved from a novelty platform to a utility business tool.   As more and more devices we wear and use become conduits of information we share on Facebook, e.g. Nike Fuel Band marketed as the motivation on your wrist band, there is certainly a commercial advantage to the information collected. Combine this with mapping technology on our smartphones, harnessing information regarding our location and speed at which we are travelling currently presented back to us as up-to date traffic maps and it will not be long before these elements join and personal information available becomes incredibly powerful.


Currently the potential exists for email communication to decline as users use social networks to communicate.   Add to this Whatsapp and face-to-face video calls technology and you have a very exciting opportunity evolving.  Match the above trends with a well-defined algorithm and the ironing out of any potential controversial privacy issues and Facebook is on track to dominate and become very successful in the years ahead.


From a business management view point, whilst I am of the opinion that Facebook will continue to grow and dominate the social market, businesses should still remain risk adverse and ensure that they have contingency plans in place for their online marketing and not focus their entire online marketing drive within one social network.

To discuss your website development, SEO services, email marketing or newletters and social media, contact Netbranding for your online services and coaching support.


Be Heard | Be Seen | Be Found Online.