Hi, it’s Cathy Mellett from Net Branding. Be seen be heard be found online.
Video Transcript – I did a presentation this morning and thought it would be appropriate to actually bring you a few things in take away that people in the audience found of value. And that really covered some of what I believe are the myths and time wasters of digital in digital marketing. So what would they be let’s think about your social media posts. Often when we do basic free posts on social media, they’re not getting the extension of reach that we once had, you know, way back 12-13 years ago, when we did a Facebook post, most people who had connected with us would have seen the post, it’s no longer the same and so depending on your digital strategy, I think there needs to be some thought around doing social media posts, and then advertising those posts so that they get the best value for you that you want and achieve your business objectives.
The next thing I referred to in the presentation was boosting posts. Now we all know there’s the little button that on a post that goes boost the post. Now if we do that, ultimately, we putting that advertising into Facebook’s hands or Instagrams hands, rather than being strategic, around how we want that post to be published and how that post should be promoted. And so often I look at that blatant boosting of posts more as hope marketing, hoping that it rent lands up in front of your target audience hoping that it lands up in front of the persona you’re trying to reach, but also hoping that it achieves your brand strategy and the things that you want him to do online. And so as as, you know, in terms of how we promote, we actually never use that high level boosting facility because we don’t believe it achieves the goals that you need to achieve or our clients need to achieve for the advertising spend.
The other thing about that is lives often people do Facebook Lives pretty much like what I’m doing now though, this isn’t a live, this is a video. And it is a one hit wonder because it lands up in the feed and it has a very short life in the feed. So the question that I have, you know, myth or time waster? How do you take something which is value added content and ensure that it becomes valuable for you to move on with? download the live? Where else? Can you use it? Can you put it into a into an email out to your client base? What can you do with the material that you’ve created to extend the lifespan of that material? We often also hear, you know the myths and time wasters, build it and they will come. How often don’t I hear when I’ve got a website, but I don’t know how much traffic I’m getting. I’ve got a website, and I haven’t been found, or I’ve started a podcast and there’s no one there. All of those environments, in my opinion, need dedication and hard work.
You know, if you’ve got a website, it’s a little bit like raising the child, a child goes from newborn to whatever age they leave your key and possibly even then you still have some form of sense of duty and responsibility for them. And you know, at the end of the day, that’s what your digital assets are as well, they need to be nurtured. They need to be built, they need to be cared for, they need to be watered, and only when you’re doing the building and the caring for them, but it actually provide fruit to you. So ultimately, I talk about building resilient digital assets, assets that can support your business through second through seventh. And that needs work. So in a built it and they will come is an absolute myth. And then we’ve got the good old ebooks and downloads and PDFs.
And again, I look at those as possible time wasters unless you have a really good follow up strategy behind it. So how often haven’t you downloaded an ebook was the very good intention of actually working through that ebook. And with the intention of reading it later. And how often do you actually go back to reading that ebook? And so yes, you’ve shared your details with wherever you’ve got that ebook. But what are they going to do with it? And so, you know, myths or time wasters. If you’re going to provide an opportunity for somebody to download something from your website, then what, what is your next step? And how will you maximize the fact that you’ve now got some data that you can utilize to connect with that person again? So those are some of my suggestions or thoughts around myths and time wasters and how you can actually get greater value out of the digital steps that you take for your online presence.
If you’ve got anything that you’d like to chat to me about my name Cathy and I’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to visit our website feel free to do so it’s www.netbranding.co.nz Thanks and have a lovely day.