digital marketing stats

Want to learn more about what you can do with your digital marketing? Viewing the stats of average businesses online is a good option. It’s a nice way to find out what areas of your business can be improved.

This post is full of all sorts of marketing statistics for your business. Use that data to grow and measure the success of your marketing campaigns.

Be Found – SEO Statistics

Digital marketers know that SEO is important because it can grow their business and usually doesn’t cost much money to do, so you can use your marketing budget for other things. Many people see SEO as a creative artform that combines content creation, branding, and promotion in order to bring highly qualified visitors to your website. Recent statistics show just how influential SEO is right now.

  1. 72% of online marketers say content creation is the most effective SEO tactic they’ve used.(isitwp)
  2. Google receives over 77 000 searches per second.(Internet Live Stats)
  3. According to research, an average click rate on search engine results is about 67%. The first 5 results take up about 80% of this total. (Advanced Web Ranking)
  4. 90% of web pages get no traffic from Google.(Databox)
  5. Half of searches that people do are four words or more (Propecta)
  6. 12% of searches have a Google Featured Snippet box.(Ahrefs)

Be Seen – Email Marketing Statistics

This is one of the most well-established and profitable digital marketing channels out there for a reason — it averages a return of $44 for every dollar spent. With numbers like that, it’s easy to see why it’s such a powerful tool in the marketing world.

  1. It’s estimated that email marketing can help you make 4400% ROI.(OptinMonster)
  2. The open rate of welcome emails can be as high as 82%. This is good news for email marketers. (GetResponse)
  3. More than 9 in 10 people unsubscribed from a company email they previously opted-in to. (HubSpot)
  4. There are 102.6 trillion emails sent and received each year, and that number keeps growing.(OptinMonster)
  5. Almost 50% of all emails are opened on mobile devices. (IBM ✎ EditSign)
  6. 54% of all emails are spam (Statista)
  7. It is important to keep this in mind if your emails are dependent on a phone for opening. (Impact of Mobile Use on Email Engagement)
  8. 74% of marketers say that targeted personalization increases engagement with customers. (Econsultancy)
  9. According to a study, the most opened emails related to hobbies. The open rate was 27%. (HubSpot)
  10. 49% of consumers would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands on a weekly basis.(Statista)
  11. Personalized emails raise conversion rates by 6x but only 30% of brands do them.. (Experian Marketing)
  12. 60% of consumers subscribe to a brand’s list to get promotional messages and deals. (MarketingSherpa)
  13. 3 abandoned cart emails lead to 69% more orders than 1 email. To reduce order form abandonment, send 3 abandoned cart emails. (Onminsend)
  14. 88% of consumers who are willing to share their information want the ability to understand how their data is being used.(DMA)
  15. This great article by HuffPost tells us that more than half of people use email as their first stop when they reach the Internet and why not? (OptinMonster)

Be Heard – Social Selling Statistics

The idea of using your social media network to find and convert leads is called social selling. It can be a great way to expand your reach. Social media is a tool that can be used to boost the success of your sales team. For many, it has replaced the old way of cold calling and is an activity they thoroughly enjoy.

  1. According to recent research, social media is a significantly more successful tool for salespeople. 78% of marketers who use it say the same thing-they outperform their peers. (Screwpile Communications)
  2. There’s a proven correlation between establishing strong connections on LinkedIn and surpassing sales quotas. For example, 98% of sales reps with 5000+ connections met or exceeded their quota.(The Sales Benchmark Index)
  3. If a company’s outbound campaign consists of just cold calling, their success rate is as low as 2.5%.(Keller Research Center)
  4. Thanks to implementing a social selling program, IBM’s sales increased by 400%. (IBM)
  5. There are many active users on social media, and this number has been steadily climbing with the advent of new platforms. (McKinsey and Company)
  6. 77% of businesses won’t consider purchasing anything from a company without first doing research on their own. (Corporate Executive Board)
  7. Shoppers spend 55% of time researching brands and products on social media.(IBM)
  8. Your network is large and a huge number of your buyers have a favorable impression of anyone they meet through someone in their professional network. (LinkedIn)
  9. 84% of high-profile executives use social media to get information that shapes their purchasing process.(IDC)
  10. Close to 31% of B2B marketers say social selling is a way for them to foster stronger relationships with their clients (SuperOffice)

Lead Nurturing Statistics

Digital marketers have been focusing on lead generation. The statistics show just how important it is to generate leads and turn them into customers.

  1. 45% of businesses send their leads a regular email.(Databox)
  2. 35% of marketers have created a lead nurturing strategy.(Invesp)
  3. 63% of marketers listed generating traffic and leads as their biggest regular content challenge (Omnicore)
  4. Upwards of 40-70% of business qualified leads are still not ready to buy.(Databox)
  5. In a recent study, it was found that 20-40% of webinar event attendees can become leads. (OptinMonster)
  6. It’s very important to generate sales ready leads. Organizations that excel at lead nurturing get 50% more leads and they’re 33% cheaper than others. (Invesp)
  7. Email nurturing has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to reengage leads.(Databox)

Digital marketing is used to promote a brand by using the internet and other forms of digital communication to reach out to possible customers. Digital marketing channels are becoming more and more popular. This includes social media, email and web-based advertising, as well as text and multimedia messages. Every business is on its own unique journey. Embrace that journey and enjoy the creation of a digital marketing platform and environment that is right for you. If you would like a no obligation chat with an experienced team, Let’s Talk.