Let’s focus on some of the benefits of SEO?

SEO? But what is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?
Google or any search engine displays the websites it believes are authoritative and relevant. Online resources or websites that correspond to the exact query requested by the internet searcher. Using a pre-set algorithm, a search engine measures the relevance of your website by analysing your website’s page (s) content, the words you and I read and see, and then they (the algorithm) measures the second element – website authority based on numerous factors such as domain name maturity, pages linking back and the quality of content the search engine perceives the website to stand for.

Using a pre-set algorithm, a search engine (e.g. Google) measures the relevance of your website by analysing your website’s page (s) content i.e the words and images you and I read and see. The search engine (the algorithm) measures a second element. This is usually website authority based on numerous factors such as domain name maturity, other webpages linking back to your site and the quality of content the search engine perceives the website to stand for.

So what is a simple formula to use in order to get better search results? I am afraid there is no easy way out and the following formula is tried and tested.

A 4 step guide to getting better online search results

  1. Understand your keywords and search phrases. These should not only be your personal thoughts around these words. You should complete a relevant keyword research exercise so that you are basing your online content on a solid foundation.
  2. Write website content that uses these keywords and phrases. Again I emphasise, the words or phrases used by people who are searching online for your product, or service.
  3. Build links to your website pages to show they are important in relation to the search results and …
  4. Keep repeating steps 2 and 3! Yes, keep doing it!

But why are SEO rankings so important? What is the benefit of SEO?

Search engine rankings are important to your business. The higher your business appears the search page results, the better for your business and here are a few reasons why.

  • Maintain the lead. Ensure your business ranks higher than your competitors in the search results. With a higher search engine ranking, you are more likely to see a new visitor to your website. You are building your inbound marketing funnel.
  • A better search result = increase in organic search engine traffic.
  • The average website searcher trusts search engine results. The direct result for your business is brand credibility.
  • In my opinion, organic search results provide you with a better return on investment (ROI) than paid advertisements.
  • SEO can take your business to the next level in the online space.
  • Consider this statistic, 60% of clicks go to the first page’s results

It is important to understand that SEO is a constant online activity with the results of your efforts taking effort and time to materialise.

If you are looking for improved visibility for your website, Net Branding understands that each business is different. We realize that an affordable and cost-effective SEO service is important to many New Zealand businesses. To find out how we can be of assistance, please contact us for an affordable SEO service package specifically tailored for your business and website.

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