Content is king but,  and from an SEO perspective valuable and quality content is and probably always will be a solid SEO Strategy.  But let’s take a look at the two factors that impact the economics of content marketing — the amount of content available and the amount of content consumed (supply and demand).  Yes Economics 101.

Content Shock.  How can Social Media assist you through this new minefield?

So how do we improve our content reach yet ensure our content is read?  Well, in my opinion Social Media reduces the risk of content fatigue and is able to increase your ROI

But what is content shock?

Let’s review the idea first highlighted by Mark Schaefer on January 2014.

He defines content shock as, “The emerging marketing epoch defined when exponentially increasing volumes of content intersect our limited human capacity to consume it.”

I am seeing the uptake of New Zealand companies turn to content marketing in order to drive internet traffic to their businesses but as more and more business embrace this strategy, how much content can reader  consume about a topic.  I again highlight that content has been earmarked as one of the most successful strategies for SEO so where do we turn to in order to improve our odds of succeeding in the online world.  The online battle to be first, to be more comprehensive, to be read more, seen more, respected more, is becoming quite a significant war.

In comes Social Media Optimisation (SMO)

Yes , as with Google, most social media tools are build around constantly changing algorithms. But without always understanding the nuts and bolts of the mechanics of an algorithms, a tried and tested method to get the best result is to ensure that your content that is more shareable, tweet-able, pin-able and more “like”-able than anyone else’s.

But how?

Make your content shareable and engaging and yes people love unique images.  It draws their attention.

Encourage social sharing.  How easy is it to share you content across a variety of social media networks.  Don’t be afraid to ask for readers to share your content, ask them questions to increase engagement, perhaps your call to action is to sign up to your newsletter but whatever it is, ask for an action at the end of every piece of content.

Focus on putting more of you into your social profiles, people buy or use the services of Humans and consider social media networks as Human to Human networks.

Review your social networks for the best time to post your news articles.  Some times of the day obtain better reach statistics than others.

And last but not least, reuse popular content to improve your ROI on content creation.  Yes, work smarter and not harder.

As always, I am interested in what you believe are the best strategies to implement in order to avoid Content shock and overload?

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