Website traffic conversion – easier said than done?

Let us consider | What are the key aspects for your bottom line?  Is it obtaining a customer email, is it an enquiry form completed, is it a request for a brochure or is it a request for quote?  What do you need from your website and what do you want your website visitor to do?

What is Conversion Optimization?

Well, conversion optimization is the act of designing and structuring your website in a way that potentially increases conversions.

A website ‘conversion’ does not always equate to a sale, it is great if it did but sadly this is not reality.  A  conversion is dependent on your own business goals that you have determined for your particular website or webpage.  These goals may be:

  • A submitted enquiry form
  • A completed contact form
  • A product-brochure request
  • An email subscription
  • A request for a quote

Whatever ‘conversion’ means to you and your business, chances are you want more of them from your online and website presence.

Below please find a few suggestions that may increase conversion.  I suggest you test these out on your site.

1. Shorten the steps to conversion

The more steps your site visitors have to complete, the less likely they are to convert.

For example, if your primary goal is to collect email addresses, how many fields do they need to fill out in order to subscribe to your newsletter?

The more clicks a website user is away from completing the conversion process, the less likely it will be of converting that particular visitor to your site.  Make sure your conversion process is as streamlined and simple as possible.

2. Offer social proof

Provide your website visitor with social proof.  This translates to anything that indicates to your website visitors that others trust, respect or like you and your service. Social proof can take many forms, including testimonials, of social media fans or followers, email subscribers, or user-generated reviews and /or ratings.  This instantly reduces the perceived risk of them converting.

3. Use a strong, simple call to action

Do your website visitors know what you want them to do?

Your call to action is essentially the action you want your visitors to take on a certain page. If they only find themselves on your page for a few seconds, will they even see your call to action? Buy now, Call us. Try utilizing differing font, buttons or border to highlight the call to action. Try to locate your call to action at different positions on your page – at the top of the page, or the bottom of the page.

4.  Answer the question: why should I buy from YOU?

It’s a dog eat dog world out there and in the increasingly competitive online space, your unique value proposition must stand out.  What is special about your business or service?  What is your uniqueness in the market place?  These are aspects that must be communicated to your website visitor.

Your unique value proposition may be:

  • 24  * 7 service
  • Fastest shipping
  • Widest range of products
  • Most experienced staff or service-providers
  • Quality products
  • Lowest price

Each website visitor is different and by implementing these for simple suggestions, you have definitely increased your chances of converting your website traffic into viable leads and future customers.


What techniques have you successfully implemented that have increased conversion on your website?

