We all love Facebook but what happens if Facebook disappeared tomorrow?  It is an incredibly important piece of the marketing puzzle – your online presence but what risk management strategy could you or have you implemented should it disappear.

I often say – do not put all your eggs in one basket and therefore I always recommend the implementation of a blog or news forum as a supplement to your Facebook feed.

Consider this…  Your blog and news forum should include an opt in device that links your new subscriber to your mail-out database.  You definitely have more control over your blog and your mail-out database and each visitor to your site can potentially become a subscriber.

Your company website and blog – you control that.

You know how it will look and feel, you know what your branding will present itself and in the current climate.  Your prospect will usually review these forums prior to making that call to you.

Yes fans that have increased their knowledge of your offering will land on your website as a hot lead but if this forum does not live up to a certain standard you could have lost a potential client.  Your website is your online identity and remember to keep it updated.

It’s also much easier to build a Facebook presence if you already have an established website and blog audience. You can use your website to drive people to your Facebook business page and vice versa. And your website and blog content provide you with a starting point for what you’ll share on Facebook.   This additional content will also have an added bonus – all your content is searchable via the search engines, it all comes back to Google.

Do you keep your Email List updated?

You own your email list yet you have very little control over your Facebook fans.  There are great ways to connect your newsletter to your blogs to ensure you maximize your results and streamline your efforts.

In Conclusion

Yes Facebook is an important aspect to online marketing but Facebook should not be the only focus at the expense of some of the trued and tested online mediums.  Facebook should be integrated into the completed infrastructure.

Auckland social media company Net branding focuses on assisting our clients with this integration.  For a consultation please contact Social Media coach Cathy Mellett.

What do you think is important to add to your online network and structure?